A Salute To The Martyrs Of Pathankot

Salute the Brave soldiers at Pathankot

Hail the soldier who braves the weather at the border
And wait for an unknown enemy!
Hail the soldier who braves the bullets
From unknown trespassers!
Salute the Brave Hearts at Pathankot
Hail the soldier who left his family and friends!
Hail the soldier who left his sisters and brothers!
Hail the soldier who left his wife and children!
Hail the soldier who protected us till his final urn!

Salute the Brave souls at Pathankot

Hail the soldier not for his caste or color!
Hail the soldier not for his religion or community!
Hail the soldier not for his degrees or looks!
Hail the soldier not for his rank or position!

Hail the soldier for he loves his Mother Land!
No words, no money, no compensation 

Can fill the void that a soldier left!
For the family will always be left!
Without the hand that stood their lot!

Hail the soldier for his love of his Mother Land!

An unborn child is waiting for her dad!
For she knows no other so dear!
For the loving caress that was always hers!
Whose face she would never see in years!

Hail the soldier for he put his Mother Land above all!

An ode to the soldiers who laid their life at Pathankot

Without the son who will carry their name
Hail the soldier for he loves his Mother Land!

his  or Tears well our eyes when we remember the martyrdom at Pathankot.
There are no words to explain the family’s plight
No sorrow, no deception, no suffering pains us
Until it happens to us, our next of kin
Are our soldiers not our brethren?
Our hearts cry for the martyrdom at Pathankot.
When will we accept a soldier a great man?
When will we hail his sacrifice for the mother land?
The martyrdom at Pathankot should not go a waste
Lest the cause of our freedom go a waste
Accept responsibility for the families that have lost their children
The children who have lost their fathers,
Sisters and brothers who have lost their sibling
And the friends who have lost their comrade
Oh my countrymen, wipe your tears, stand up for the cause!
Stand up for the cause of the Indian soldiers
Who stood with us day and night at the borders!
May not your tears of Pathonkot hide your vision
Let us all walk with an ambitious mission
To make our Mother Land best among nation